
Prabhat Samgiita: A Literary and Philosophical Appreciation by Dr. Subhas Sarkar



Dr. Subhas Sarkar compares the Prabhata Samgiita songs by Shrii P. R. Sarkar to Vivekananda, Tagore, and Aurobindo’s writings and explores the mystical and devotional poetry of the lyrics. Also, he shows how these songs are the musical expression of the social philosophy (PROUT and Neohumanism) of Shrii P.R. Sarkar.
Prabhata Samgiita: Samgiita means the combination of vocal music, instrumental music, and dance. Prabhat is the name of the songs’ composer, so the school of music that these songs embody has been named Prabhát Samgiita. The word prabháta also means “dawn.” Prabhát Samgiita heralds the dawn of a new era of music.


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