
The Ánanda Vacanámrtam (“Blissful Discourses”) series assembles all the known General Darshan discourses given by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti jii. General Darshan (GD) discourses were those given to Ananda Marga members, often as a part of the daily routine, in whatever locality Ánandamúrtijii happened to be staying at the time. Normally briefer and lighter in tone (though no less profound in their fundamental meanings) than the discourses given on the formal occasions of DMC, these talks were sometimes delivered in a very intimate way to relatively small groups of margis.



The Ánanda Vacanámrtam series was begun in 1978 with the GD discourses given by the author at that time. It then kept pace with the GD discourses that the author gave over the subsequent six years. Starting with Part 23, the series has included GD speeches given before 1978. Some of the topics: “From Animality to Divinity”, “Energy and Cognition”, “Liberation from Visnumáyá”, “Superstitions about Death”, “Tantra Is Sádhaná, Sádhaná Is Tantra”, “Mantra and Incantation”, “The Place of Women in the Spiritual World”, “The Glory of Human Dharma”, “Pinnacled Existence”, “Stages of Samádhi”.


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